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SBLConnect blogs

Welcome to the SBLConnect blog site. We'll be hosting blogs from all corners of the School Business Leadership community, along with contributions from our regular bloggers.

We believe that School Business Leaders have created a unique and powerful online community through interactions on social media. As a profession that often finds itself forgotten in education debates, or at best, tagged onto teacher-led topics and institutions, we have traditionally been under-represented in school and academy leadership discussions. We don't think that's good enough.

We know that School Business Leaders offer a wealth of vital school management and leadership experience, bringing an important sector-wide viewpoint on how the business operations of our schools can support and enhance learning. We want to strengthen that voice. To that end, we are opening up our SBLConnect blog site to any School Business Professional who has something to say.

There are a number of highly-respected SBLs who are regular contributors to media and online discussions, but there are too few of them, and we need to hear new voices. So if you've never blogged before, or want to share your musings with the SBLConnect community, get in touch.

It can be short, long, serious, funny, personal or professional. The only rules are that your content should not breach the Twitter Rules or be considered advertising.

So if you fancy giving it a go, email: or hit the Contact Us button.

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