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Writer's pictureRachel Stone

Let’s go back to basics, SBMs

After reading many tweets this week about the return of school and how exhausted SBMs are feeling already, I felt compelled to write something to support the troops.

No one can deny it’s been a truly difficult past six months, some of us experiencing difficult circumstances behind the scenes of the office: not seeing loved ones in Care Homes or Hospitals; not being able to attend funerals or visit family and close friends, dealing with job or income changes to family members, all whilst keeping up appearances has been extremely tough on SBM wellbeing.

There is no doubt this type of ‘new normal’ will continue into the new year and beyond.

So how do we ensure we are not beating ourselves up trying to solve every problem reported whilst battling the email inbox and managing our own workload?

Well one option would be to quit! The job, education world, the whole lot as I am sure this is a thought, we all think after a tough day. The job is not getting easier and more new pointless paper building initiatives will be added on top (yes GDPR, I will always hold a grudge!).

But realistically, deep down, I think we relish the challenge of those difficult days, but we need to go back to basics.

Always remember: You are the Business Manager; you do not own the business. There will always be tough days to suck up and learn from. Keep professional and do not take it personally.

For me, it is all about communication:

  • Be honest how you are feeling

  • Talk to other members of SLT

  • Challenge how plans will work in the real world Find your voice in meetings.

  • Have those difficult conversations with people that may not always see the bigger picture of change – it will pay off in the long run.

  • Delegate and share the work between the team – genuine players will want to promote the team not sabotage it.

Communicate with your teams – give them chance to have their say, listen.

Reassure, encourage, and play your part; keep driving that bus and moving forward.

I have really enjoyed seeing the school filled with children again, hearing their voices, their laughter, seeing the Teachers busying about with plans for teaching and learning.

The children have arrived through the gates so excited to be back in school with their friends and Teachers.

There are huge changes to the school that have impacted on everyone’s time and role. It is just how it is for now and perhaps we will start to enjoy this new way of working?

The children have adapted well and are the priority, we know that. One little boy, in the class next door to my office, who I have heard all week learning and laughing, is now my Champion.

For those who have reached out on twitter, it has been a tough start and drain on SBM reslience and patience reserves.

You are not alone. I see the response from others to rally round and support, to encourage, to champion each other on from behind the screen. Be honest what you can achieve in one day.

As @SecretHT1 said “a bad day does not mean you are bad at your job”.

Keep going SBMs! Get up every day and pull those positive pants right up to your chin. This is going to be our toughest challenge yet to support those Teachers in their classrooms and keep the school functioning.

Can we DO this? Yes, we CAN!

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